To get started creating a workflow:

  1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automation > Workflows.

  2. Click Create workflow.

  3. In the left panel of the workflow setup page, choose Start from scratch. Then select Deal-based as the workflow type. 

  4. In the workflow editor, click Set enrollment triggers.

  5. In the right panel, select a filter type for your enrollment trigger. Set up the trigger, then click Apply filter.

  6. By default, records will only enroll in a workflow the first time they meet the enrollment triggers. To enable re-enrollment click the Re-enrollment tab and switch on.

  7. Add more enrollment triggers if needed and click Save.
  8. In the right panel, select an action. Choose Set property value -> Deal -> Deal Pipeline and Stage -> choose Stage.

  9. Manage workflow settings.

  10. Turn your workflow on.